Zina Thrower
Zina Thrower resides in Philadelphia, PA, with her husband of four years. She is mother to three beautiful daughters and a grandmother of six; five princesses and one prince. She attended Strayer University for her Bachelors in Business Administration and is a certified nursing assistant as well as a production coordinator for Almac Clinical Trials.
Zina was in the banking industry for eleven years and still finds time to teach others how to successfully manage their finances.
Zina is the CEO of Uniquely Designed 4 U LLC, a brand of spiritual products that includes glass pieces and t-shirts with inspirational messages. Her goal is to put a spiritual glass piece or a t-shirt in everyone's hand and to take her business global. She enjoys spending time with her family, taking care of them, and traveling. She loves God and enjoys praise and worship.
You can connect with Zina at: uniquelydesigned57@yahoo.com or Facebook: ZinaThrower.

Blessed Not Broken Vol. 3
Zina Thrower is one of the many amazing women who helped co-author Blessed Not Broken: The Power Of Transformation.
You can purchase the book directly from her with the link below.