Team Simmons

Taiwan & Sh’nai

Pastor Taiwan and Dr. Shnai are owners and founders of the Get In Touch Network, The Collective Wellness Institue and Playfueled Marriages.

Taiwan (Pastor Tai) is an author, mentor, public speaker, and has served on the boards of several local organizations. He also has his graduate certificate in entrepreneurship and management training through Dale Carnegie. It is through these skills and accomplishments and his love for God and people, that Pastor Tai has a meaningful impact on the lives of those he ministers to.

Dr. Sh’nai Simmons is a licensed mental health counselor and clinical supervisor, providing superior services virtually and in person.  She has authored several books including collaborative projects, her solo testimonial, and a wellness planner, all of which are designed to inspire and facilitate wellness.

You can connect with both at:, and

Love, Business & Marriage

Grab a copy of the book and read more of their story in Love, Business & Marriage.