Carol Andrews King
Carol Andrews King is a native of Fayetteville, NC, and currently resides in Abilene, TX. As a Speech-Language Pathology Assistant with the Abilene Independent School District for 19 years, she works with elementary-aged children by treating speech-language and related disorders to help them improve their communication skills.
She works with students with disorders related to speech sound errors, language delays, non-verbal communication, stuttering, autism, and autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
Encouraging others comes naturally to Carol. She is an assistant Sunday school teacher for the women’s class at her church and a speaker for women’s Sundays. Through her teaching, Carol is passionate about sharing practical Biblical principles for everyday life and strives to model them herself.
Her experiences have helped her not only grow, but to desire to help others that have gone through or may be in similar circumstances. She understands that telling her story goes beyond how she has overcome, but it is a way to further minister to others how God can turn things around.
You can connect with her on Facebook: Carol Andrews King or at

Blessed Not Broken Vol. 3
Carol Andrews King is one of the many amazing women who helped co-author Blessed Not Broken: The Power Of Transformation.
You can purchase the book directly from her with the link below.